Living your life!!

We all might have heard that life is too short, so we should live it to the fullest……but have we ever thought of how to live it to the fullest?!

People telling us about this proverb sometimes get frustrated when we start living it accordin’ to ourselves and don’t care bout anyone……seems quite funny sometimes….!! But we and our lives are completely dependent on some or the other person…..when we are a child we depend on our parents……as soon as we enter our teenage we try to get out of the control of our parents and live our life according to us…in this stage our happy place becomes our friends…..we depend on our friends for some things…..completing our teen, we start thinking of ourselves as adults and want to act like adults….(in ways we feel we should be……) we wanna start our love lives….(many of us won’t agree….but truth can’t be denied….at some point in our life we would of thought to start a love life). We start living for our partner and our routines start depending on the routines of our partner…..and when u start earning for yourself and think of becoming independent your routines depend on yous boss..(uhh!! never thought of it…..we are always dependent on some or the other person…..we never become completely independent……interesting!!)

But have we ever thought of how to live our life completely……we all watch movies and the type of life depicted in those movies becomes a dream of many of ur…we all dream to live such a life and it seems so simple to live the life seen in those movies….But do you think the life is easy to live in such a way?!

Well!! Life isn’t easy to live in any of the life circumstances…and hurdles are a part of our life….! when we were teens we all thought to live such a life b’coz we didn’t have to earn…..all our expenses were taken by our parents. But our parents didn’t leave us b’coz they knew that this wasn’t the right time….we weren’t mature enough…..and our young blood was crazy!!

But with passing time we get mature….life is enjoyed when we take risks and are ready to accept every consequence happily!! We hate taking risks and want to run a smooth life and even want to enjoy it…..!! But when you forget bout your problems…start accepting every consequence of life as it is… you start living your life with contentment and happiness….and this is how you live life to it’s fullest….!!

Accepting every consequence happily….and finding happiness in the work we do, will surely help you to live your life to the fullest!! (Do try once!!)